RAC milen #8
Løbsdato: 09/11/2024
Starttid, fra kl: 10:00:00
Pris: Børn 20 kr. –
Voksne 50 kr.
distancer: 4,7 km, 7,5 km
Rute bemærkninger:Egnet til personlig rekord
Tilmelding på dagen: Ja
Underlag: Asfalt, Grus
Specialløb: Serieløb (løb)
Chip: Chip tidstagning
Rødovre Athletics Club’s exercise department welcomes the RAC mile, namely one Danish mile 7,532 km around Damhuseng and -Sø.
You can also run a shorter route of 4.7 km around Damhusengen.
The routes are DAF-measured and run with a chip.
The route is flat with a firm running surface, indicated for each kilometer. Almost car-free!
der er saft, vand og frugt efter løbet
Om RAC milen #8
Danmarks ældste serieløb. Der åbnes for tilmelding ca en time før start, så kom i fornuftig tid inden starten går.
Bad og omklædning:
Yderligere infoh
After the last race (RAC mil#8), prizes are awarded to this year’s class winners in the series race at Rødovregård, Kirkesvinget 1, 2610 Rødovre.
To qualify to win the series race, the RAC mile, it requires 5 completed races per season. If more than 5 RAC miles are run in a season, it will be the fastest 5 times that count.